So I haven’t been detailing what we have been up to, well mostly what Tyler and the kids have been up to. I’m on an other medication (added to the other one) for a little over a month, my migraines and headaches are much better but I’m dead tired all the time and I sleep I’m not kidding around 12 hours a day and sometimes more. I pretty much go to bed at the same time the kids do and Tyler wakes me up before he leaves for work (I have the best husband in the world!). Not the life but the neurologist said he would keep me on the medicine for 4 months migraine/headache free and then wean me off and I’ve decided being a zombie for the next few months is worse getting rid of the migraines and headaches. Anyhow, now that my health is out of the way, a lot has been going on around here.
First and foremost, Olivia went to her first sleepover that was not at a family member’s house.I was very worried because we all know that Olivia is not a great sleeper. She has nightmares most nights, wakes up screaming and is afraid to go back to sleep. Plus, she has started to sleepwalk. It is pretty funny but not the best for sleepovers. However, I know her friend’s mother and after discussing my dilemma with her, we decided that we would give it a try. Olivia had an awesome time and slept great. Anna, I may have to send her to your house more often!
You should have seen her getting ready for the sleep over, she was so happy. Definitely a moment to remember.