Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Our Christmas tree

We didn’t get a real tree this year, but used the artificial one we had in storage. Dad set up the tree, strung the lights and the garlands and the rest of us had carte blanche with the ornaments. I think it turned out pretty good. The decision to use the “fake tree” came after we realized that since we’d be gone on Christmas day anyway and that we wouldn’t be able to water the tree for more than 2 weeks, we didn’t want to come home to a dead, fire-hazard tree at the beginning of January. Ideally, I’d prefer a real tree but it’s just not practical this year and this is a good tree that is serving its purpose. Plus, we light a Christmas tree scented candle by it so that we can have the smell of the season and not just the look of the season. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

1 comment:

Brittany said...

I love the fake tree! I prefer fake, the real ones are to messy! The decorations turned out really good too! Merry Christmas!!