Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Happy Bastille Day!

I am proud to be an American….but I am also very proud of my origins. I love France. I love the diversity of its beautiful landscapes. I love its history, even the gruesome parts because they needed to happen to make France what it is today. I love its culture, the literature, the arts (yes all of them, some of my favorite composers, musicians, painters, writers, cinematographers, actors are French) and of course I love its food, oh French food. When people ask me to describe French food I really have a difficult time, after all Americans and French basically use the same ingredients but I have come up with a description that I think explains it all: French food is simpler yet more delicate and decadent at the same time.
I want to thank my friend Jennifer for posting a Bastille Day entry on her blog and prompting me to stop the craziness of the day to think about my heritage and how much I appreciate it. To all those who don’t love France, its people, culture and food, I say: Give us a try and you might very well change your mind.

1 comment:

Brittany said...

Well I think I'd love it but I'd like to start with visiting it and I hope one day Bryce and I will have the chance to see it's beauty! My mom thought it was amamzing!