Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Thanks to Amber, Tyler’s older sister, who told us Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince was fine for our children and warned us of one possible nightmare inducing scene, we decided to go for it and we loved it. Grandma came with us and she loved it too. It was definitely different from the previous movies as this movie truly is a PG movie. It was funny, more emotionally developed than the previous movies (understand a lot of kissing teenagers and teen angst) and simply a very entertaining movie. Henry, as the boy he is, would not close his eyes when the above mentioned scene came on (and was delighted to see lots of Golums) but would hide his face in my side for all the kissing. It was very funny. Olivia was giggling a lot. It’s fun to see how her sense of humor is maturing and how she understands so much more. She doesn’t just laugh because everyone in the theater is laughing anymore, she laughs because she gets it. My little girl is getting so big. All this to say that if you like Harry Potter, we highly recommend this movie. As Henry said on the way to the car, “this movie is good enough to buy.”

1 comment:

Brittany said...

We saw it and liked it! I definitely thought it was the best of the Harry Potters. Sounds like the kids liked it!