Sunday, March 29, 2009

First sunburn of the year

Yeah, summer is coming! Today (yesterday really since it is now past midnight) was a great sunny day so while Olivia was at a birthday party, I decided to wait for her in the car (with the doors open) so that I could enjoy the day and work in peace and quiet on the baby blanket I’m knitting for my sister’s soon-to-come baby boy. I had a great time and when we got home, Olivia looked at me and said “your arm is all red.” Yep, only the arm on the door side, with a nice farmer tan line and two white marks, one where my watch was and one where my arm was bent due to the knitting. Very glamorous…but who cares, as long as warm weather is just around the corner!


Brittany said...

Oh I love the permenant watch/ farmer tan line!:) Your right though, I really hope warm weather is right around the corner!

Misty said...

i totally got a sunburn the other day too. hard to believe i was prancing around my yard in a swimsuit and shorts the other day with all this snow around!