Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Preschool Starts Again

Henry could not wait for preschool to start again. Preschool is part of the elementary school here in town but for some reason it didn't start until a week after everyone else. He was so excited this morning that he was up before 7 (and remember, he’s the one who like to sleep in ‘til 10) asking “Is it time to go to school yet?”. Henry loves School. He loves his teacher (Miss Brooks, same as last year) and he loves to play and learn with his friends. They do all the normal stuff, like letters and numbers but they also learn about, to mention a few, the sky, things that grow (they grew green beans last year), and bugs (they watched ladybugs eggs hatch, butterflies come out their cocoons). Compared to school staying home with Mom is BORING! I try to make it interesting but apparently Miss Brooks is a lot cooler than me. Preschool is only 2½hours a day Monday through Thursday. But it seems to be enough to make it tolerable for him to be “Mommy’s little buddy” (Olivia’s term) for the rest of the time.

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