Thursday, September 25, 2008

Caramel Apples

One of the things we did this month to enjoy the season is make mini caramel apples. We found the idea in the Family Fun magazine, and the kids have a great time the whole way through (from the time we make them to the time we eat them). A lot of our during–the-week activities only include Henry and me because they’re a way to keep Henry busy until Olivia gets home from school, but there are a few activities (like this one) when Olivia will not be excluded (they’re either too cool or too delicious, plus we do like to do things with her too), so we did this one together. Olivia and I get to cut out the “mini apples” with the melon baller, and then I let both the kids stick in the popsicle sticks and roll the apples in the yummy stuff. The batch we made last night was to take to Henry’s preschool, but we still enjoyed a few and plan on making a few more batches including one to take to Olivia’s class next week.


Unknown said...

What a fun thing!!! I am searching family fun right now to get the caramel recipe - I think we are going to try these for FHE tomorrow. I am so happy you are doing your blog! See you next weekend!

Ben and Shara said...

Wow, what a great idea. The whole apple is aften time just too much. I'm so checking this out!! thanks for the heads up;)