Sunday, September 21, 2008

Where but o where does time go?

So, what do I do with all the time I have on my hands? I mean, don’t I have all the time in the world now that Olivia is in school all day (from 8 to 2:45), and that Henry has preschool Monday through Thursday from 8:15 to 10:45? At least that’s what people seem to be implying. Well, frankly no, I don’t have all the time in the world. Actually I seem to have less time than last year. It’s true that it’s nice to be by myself for a couple of hours in the morning (by the time I get home after dropping Henry off it’s 8:30 and I have to leave to go get him shortly after 10:30). During these two hours I jog on the treadmill (or speedwalk if I feel like reading at the same time) then I read my scriptures and then I indulge in a peaceful (no bickering children right behind the shower curtain) longer-than-usual shower. I cherish these two hours because after that Henry comes home and the daily complaint begins: “When is Olivia coming home? I’m bored!” No matter what I do with him, it’s the same complaint: “When is Olivia coming home? I’m bored!” So I’m busier than ever trying to find “cool” things for us to do. On Friday I made 4 fresh batches of homemade play dough (our old batches had been dried up for a while so I figured it would feel like a new activity again, and I was right). So to all those who ask what stay-at-home moms do with all their free time, I say, what free time? But we are loving every minute of it. The fruit of my labor: fresh play dough
Olivia following her inspiration
Henry during a creative spell
A smiley face by Olivia
A lizard created by Henry

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